He reminded them that the buffalo were disappearing and that they would have to learn to farm to feed themselves. They still controlled the territory and to trade their land for an uncertain future would be an admission of defeat (Stonechild and Waiser 16). Beardy was not granted his request to have the treaty payments made at the site he had envisioned, Morris did not want to accommodate Beardy and viewed his lack of participation in the negotiations as an inconvenience to the process (, On September 5, 1876, the Treaty party arrived ten days earlier than expected at Fort Pitt, (located between Fort Carlton and Fort Edmonton) to meet the River First Nations. Sweet Grass himself converted to Catholicism in 1870, following a general shift of Cree towards Christianity. He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. Medals, flags, and uniforms were presented as well as treaty payments. Historians Arthur J. Ray, Jim Miller and Frank Tough have argued that this ceremony was significant to the Cree because it invited the Creator to provide guidance to the negotiators and to witness the treaty discussions. The Queens representative, Alexander Morris, dressed in a cocked hat, blue uniform with gold braid and lace, was accompanied by the North West Mounted Police and treaty commissioners William J. Christie and James McKay. This has led to conflict over the clauses of the agreement. This took much time but the Chiefs appeared to be satisfied with what the government was offering. Chief Beardy, a spiritual leader known to possess powers, met the treaty party on the journey to the Fort and invited them to meet on a local hill - this was based on a vision he had. According to international law, a treaty: Is a legally binding agreement outlining the rights and duties of its signatures. [7] From this moment on, a special bond was formed between the child and whoever named them. What is the difference between Treaty 6 and 7? They agreed with much of what was being said, however, they wanted to ensure their survival, and that the Great Queen Mother would look after them. On the Sweetgrass reserve, the mortality rates would grow after 1885 to 185 per every 1000 people on the reserve. per family of five. [7] The Shaman's decision would be based on a character or incident that they saw in their vision. Indigenous people relinquishing titles and privileges to land. The Treaty promised to give the Tlicho annual payments and services, like medical care, education and old age care. Under the leadership of Young Sweet Grass, the band began to fall apart due to internal conflict. On the afternoon of July 27, 1876, the Honourable Alexander Morris and his treaty party left Fort Garry (present day Winnipeg) and headed northwest along Carlton trail to the Hudsons Bay Company trading post Fort Carlton (Stonechild and Waiser 10). While traditions within tribes remained significant, the Cree became more receptive to different denominations of Christianity. Similarly, clauses promising farming assistance and reserve schools can be interpreted as a promise to provide general economic assistance for Indigenous businesses and access to modern education. to the signing of a treaty had strong cultural and spiritual significance. The band had instead sent a messenger to attend the negotiations. Morris said little to ease the concerns of Beardy and promised that they too would receive the same as the other bands including agricultural assistance for a new way of life. Both organizations concluded that the Indigenous signatories believed that they were agreeing to share the land and its resources, rather than to completely surrender it to the federal government. A picture of Sweet Grass is in the archives of the Glenbow Museum. [26] It covered 117 articles, including the establishment of a code of law and form of government between the five nations. Our team will be reviewing your submission and get back to you with any further questions. Sweet Grass during the signing of the treaty was one of the most well-regarded plains Cree chiefs and was given a position of importance during negotiations. [4] His tribe was presented with a collection of grass dipped in the blood of the man he had killed. We never shed any white mans blood, and we have always been friendly with the whites, and want workmen, carpenters and farmers to assist us when we settle. Both of these issues became an extremely important topic discussed in treaty negotiations which Sweet Grass was heavily involved in. It remained to be seen whether it was a bad omen. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 1282 101 St, North Battleford, SK S9A 0Z8. Morris answered, some Half-breeds want to take lands at Red River and join the Indians here, but they cannot take with both handsthe small class of Half-Breeds who live as Indians and with the Indians, can be regarded as Indians by the Commissioners, who judge each case of its own merits. (Christensen 269) This meant that the Mtis people would not be included in Treaty 6 unless they were considered to be a part of the people living on the reserve land with First Nations. Indigenous peoples are subject to the same tax rules as any other resident in Canada unless their income is eligible for the tax exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act. . They disagreed with many aspects of the Treaty as they found that many of the promises did not provide the Cree with enough security for their future. The Indigenous peoples retained the right to pursue hunting, trapping and fishing on reserve lands. Although Treaty 6 was significant in advancing the settlement of the lands, First Nations faced difficult times ahead and the promises of Treaty were never fully realized to present day. Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. On 19 August, Morris was presented with chiefs, but he noticed the absence of the Duck Lake band leaders. What was the outcome of Chief Sweetgrass signing Treaty 6? State delegations met for the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The peak of the conflict came in 1861 when the Blackfoot had threatened to kill any Cree, Metis, or white man whom they stumbled upon. They agreed with much of what was being said, however, they wanted to ensure their survival, and that the Great Queen Mother would look after them. Sadly, in the face of starvation and the inevitable settlement of their lands, Little Pine eventually signed an adhesion to Treaty 6 on July 2, 1879. The Treaty of Waitangi Claudia Orange Google Books. The Sweetgrass Nation was settled into the land West of the township Battleford, Saskatchewan in 1884. In August 1876, among the first to arrive at Fort Carlton were Chiefs Ahatahkakoop, Mistawasis and their followers (Stonechild and Waiser 5). (Dedicated this 16thday of July 1993 by the Cree Nation)". They believed that the land was sacred. Cree Tribes would move according to their migration habits. He attempted to take Sweet Grass's pistol and it accidentally discharged, resulting in his death.[5]. But the Canadian government insisted that its grudging distribution of rations was a matter of favour, not a treaty obligation. The two messengers, Rev. Created in 1993, the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations represents the various band governments of Treaty 6. The treaty boundaries extend across central portions of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. Treaties were a way of settling disputes for land, trading, hunting and gathering, marriage between tribes, and ending wars. We invite you to come and see us and to speak with us. While there was a Cree verbal translation, the Treaty was made in English. In Cree culture, verbal agreements hold the same amount weight as any other agreements. An example of this would be when Sweet Grass and Big Bear assembled 18 Cree warriors that attempted to raid Blackfoot hunting territory. Morris reassured the terms of the treaty, I want the Indians to understand that all that has been offered is a gift, and they still have the same mode of living as before (, Mistawasis had one last request and wanted to know how the Half-Breeds w, That afternoon, Treaty Six was signed by the Treaty Commissioners, the Lieutenant Governor, followed by Chiefs Mistawasis, Ahtahkakoop, and 11 other Chiefs, and 44 Headmen. Big Bear and others seen the presents as traps, something to soften them up before negotiations." Our young men are foolish, it may not last long. For example, one of the first recorded treaties between First Nations involved the Onodowohgah (Seneca), Kanien'Kehaka (Mohawk), Onundagaono (Onondaga), Onayotekaono (Oneida), and Guyohkohnyoh (Cayuga). The Treaty was passed on orally and was not recorded until 1880 (Roberts 90). Michael Asch, Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada (2011). Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on . That is all.. A representative from Chief Beardys group suggested they rent the land while others suggested they refuse the Treaty altogether. They believed that their people would suffer if they did not negotiate a treaty with the federal government. [38] The language used to refer to indigenous people who elected to not settle on reserves also did not help ease tensions. [50] The primary goal of the raid was to get supplies, but it after some pushback from the settlers it quickly became violent. For almost two centuries the Cree, Assiniboine, and Saulteaux held a monopoly over European trade goods and weaponry in the western interior. In another significant difference from Treaty 6, Treaty 7 states that the Crown would pay for teachers salaries instead of the maintenance of school buildings. One of the main questions is whether the signatories truly understood the concept of land cession. The same significant ceremony of the pipe stem opened the meeting with the participants on September 7, 1876. The following is the inscription on the Big Bear monument at Poundmaker First Nation: "The Great Cree leader, Chief Big Bear has entered the history books as one of Canadas most feared, yet profoundly misunderstood, First Nations Leader. During discussions, Gov. First Nations had practiced their own governance and other systems for thousands of years. [6], Due to the fact that Sweet Grass' Mother was captured by a Cree tribe, it is unknown if she partook in the established birthing and naming traditions. Chief Sweetgrass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians but was killed about six months later. Sweet Grass believed that working alongside the government was one of the only solutions to the daily hardship the Cree were faced with. What is the difference between Treaty 6 and Treaty 7? He worked with other chiefs and bands to participate in raids with enemy tribes. As Europeans began to set up colonies in North America, missionaries went among the indigenous people to spread their religion. Like the earlier agreements this treaty called on the natives to surrender their aboriginal title to the lands they inhabited In return they were promised reserves education and farming supplies and the right to hunt trap and fish as well as annual cash payments. Trending. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. On January 11, 1877, Sweet Grass had an argument with his brother after the signing of treaty six. As the treaty process never included women in the discussion it ignored an important cultural pressure. When they arrived at the council tent they hoisted the union jack - the flag of Britain. The negotiations began at a traditional camping area the Crees called pehonanik or the waiting place, located a mile and half from the Fort (Stonechild and Waiser 12). They had sent a war party to a Blackfoot camp and killed 18 Blackfeet in addition to stealing horses. How did Treaty 6 affect the First Nations? Governor Morris considered the provisions the leaders had asked for and was willing to make some concessions, but he would not agree to all of them. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. They created an iron alliance that enabled them to expand across the northern plains. Throughout the 19th century, it appeared as though the federal government of Canada, situated in Ottawa, worked very hard to increase the dependency that aboriginal people had on it. [29] Sweet Grass hope to work with the federal government was challenged by other prominent Cree leaders. Website Development Studio. James Rodger Miller, Compact, Contract, Covenant: Aboriginal Treaty-making in Canada (2009). Schools were to be established on reserves. Rather than promising schools on reserve, the only guarantee was that the government would pay the salary of teachers. It is ours and we will take what we want. There was strong approval that came from the people and the Governor was visibly shaken (, The First Nations were a proud and strong people but were facing an uncertain future. At that time, they as well were facing low fur prices, and poor hunting and fishing. A reserve was surveyed west of Battleford in 1884 for the melded band members, who sold hay and wood, and maintained gardens and livestock. Beardy was not granted his request to have the treaty payments made at the site he had envisioned, Morris did not want to accommodate Beardy and viewed his lack of participation in the negotiations as an inconvenience to the process (Stonechild and Waiser 22). Wah-wee-kah-oo-tah-mah-hote was chief from 1876 to 1883; but he was deposed in 1884, and Young Sweet Grass became chief. Its used to categorize all Indigenous Peoples from across Canada as one big homogenized group. The treaty also provided twine and ammunition at a value of $1,500 per year, and agricultural implements, such as gardening tools, livestock, horses and wagons. [30] Another was that the government should stop supplying weapons to the Blackfeet who were his tribe's enemy. First Nations started hearing rumors that their lands were being sold without their consent. Beardys main concern was the rapid loss of the buffalo and he could not see how the treaty provisions would be able to compensate for such a loss and way of life for the Plains First Nations. [55] In the years after settlement, the Sweetgrass reserve would continue to be affected by famine and disease. The treaty negotiations took days to complete at Fort Carlton. The next day, well armed Peigans entered the battle and defeated the Cree, approximately 200-400 Crees died in the battle. It is ours and we will take what we want. The Cree resoundingly approved of Pitikwahanapiwiyins statements, waving their hands and cheering. January 2020Sweetgrass First Nation is pleased to announce our updated website. While the signing of the treaty can be seen as selling away indigenous rights, it did bring much-needed medication and food to the Cree who had insufficient options. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Indian Association of Alberta and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations conducted reports that outlined elders views on the treaty and on the concept of land cession. He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. This might be because he thought it was obvious that signing the treaty relinquished Indigenous title to the land, or because he did not think that he and his translators could convey the message to them clearly. [32] Sweet Grass along with three other Chiefs attempted to get ahead of government control by meeting with the representative of the Canadian government in the west Lieutenant Governor Archibald to petition the Hudson's Bay Company's (HBC) sale of land to the government. 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