Ron Wyatt discussed chromosome count in blood sample and impact of archaeological discoveries. And what turned out to be a bunch of materials of furnishings of the first temple, covered first by animal skins, then that covered by boards, and then these covered by stone, just whatever they could get their hands on, looked like. Meranda Devan - FacebookMeranda - FacebookWebsites - The Most Important NewsWebsites - Hersite, Underground chamber reveals Temple treasures, Dangerous underground excavations explore radar anomalies, Ron Wyatt Chromosome count in blood sample, Prophecies Of Comet, Meteor Or Asteroid Impacts, Prophecies Of California Falling Into The Ocean, 6 Confirmations - UN Police In America Prophecies, Creative Miracles Abilities For The Last Days Church, 4 Angels In The Chamber Where The Ark Sits, 10 Events After Attempting To Divide Israel, 1981 - Supernatural Food & Heat Provision, 1989 MAP Vision Of The Coming Disasters . Ron Wyatt claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant with the blood of Christ on it. Answer (1 of 26): Signed up - just to refute so many deniers/persecutors of R. Wyatt and WAR. Post Views: 11,526. The naturally lit video footage of the sea floor could not possibly have been filmed anywhere near the spot claimed by Gray, as insufficient light would penetrate at that depth. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from the father. I believe in the Rapture and that saved believers in the twinkle of an eye will be caught up with the dead with Him in the air just before the tribulation. John Cena 1977423 RawSmackDown LIVE . Audio recording of Ron Wyatt just before his death from cancer in August 1999 regarding his claim/experience finding the Ark of the Covenant and the chamber it was in. The dimensions and character of New Jerusalem that our departed loved ones are already enjoying. Bill Fry: The only other thing that would relate to anything happening in the chamber and that type of thing is back when those six people got killed trying to get in there to the ark and move it. Chin), The World To Come Heavenly City English Gospel Tract Download Rev. My powers of visual observation and retention are famously bad. But for what its worth Im happy to answer any questions I can about the tape, and what I saw on it. This is why people started calling Ron a fraud. What Everybody Needs is Love (Engl. Does he have tracts that can be passed out in front of a local Taco Bell, by chance? He noticed that this black substance was also on the lid of the cracked stone casing. blood chromosome discovery faith impact Official Videos of Trey Smith testimony Trey Smith 2016-06-23 Analysis reveals metal content in specimen taken from Ark site in Turkey, Richard Rives recalls account of Josephus relating to ashen remains of Gomorrah, Rock in Horeb found near burnt mountain in Saudi Arabia, First Century Jerusalem 30 Feet Underground Richard Rives and Wayne Farris. The same was true of his father, so it runs in the family. Bill Fry: I dont know that its really necessary to address that aspect of it, because nobodys asking about that part. Why Cover Up? His little friend brought him a Bible and Tommy got saved. Jeremy Sisto was born in Grass Valley, California, the son of Reedy Gibbs, an actress, and Richard "Dick" Sisto, a jazz musician and educator. Therefore, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the father. We are part of Science 2.0,a science education nonprofit operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Ron traced the earthquake crack, and indeed it was the same crack as the one at the cross hole. But I do remember seeing the stone box in which the Ark had been stored, with its lid moved to one side. Ron Wyatt (1933-1999) tells his story of finding the Ark of the Covenant and uncovers important truths about the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah. But like all less-than-honest manipulators, he fails miserably to keep his story straight. 2011 MTV Video Music Awards: Future Ad-Rock: Television . Your email address will not be published. stands for "haploid". This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. Ron Wyatt: And there is a little bit of conundrum: it wasnt stated as the mark of the beast law, it was stated, when the Sunday law, but I tell people, and I think its wiser to tell people that, since its not lying or deceiving, is that when the mark of the beast law is in force. I too believe Rons testimony of his findings and look forward to the privilege of seeing the ark for myself. And then I just stood there with the tables of stone, and the angel came and got them, and took them from my hands, and put them on a stone shelf, or ledge, whatever. If youre going to disbelieve anyone it should be Israeli Antiquities for putting Ron in that position. It's all quite amusing and ridiculous. As a heathen (i.e., a Jew), I feel compelled to nitpick: it's oy vey, not oi vey. They even believe Jesus was not the Divine Son of God. Ron Wyatt's Last Interview Reveals What The 4 Angels Told Him In The Chamber Of Ark Of The Covenant - Why God Why God Evidence Shows God Exists HOME EVIDENCE FOR GOD Categories Meranda Devan Defending Our Faith, Personal Testimonies Ron Wyatt's Last Interview Reveals What The 4 Angels Told Him In The Chamber Of Ark Of The Covenant Together with our combined gifts and talents, we can be a remnant God can use mightily. 98,773 103. Bill Fry: Right. Ron says he was told by angels in the chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Mark of The Beast was introduced. Ron Wyatt, founder of WAR (Wyatt Archaeological Research) claimed to have discovered the location of Noah's Ark , Sodom and Gomorrah , the Red Sea Crossing, the Ark of the Covenant, the site of Christ's crucifixion, the actual site of Mount Sinai as well as other important discoveries. The country name is under wraps, as per Q5. As Ron panned the camera around, a circle of light moved across the field of view until it filled the whole screen, then it moved off again at the other edge. He had 5 sisters and 5 brothers, 2 of which had already died of . December 6, 2014 @ May YHVH bless all with the HOLY SPIRIT to discern what is and is not truth, Yes he was, really Gods archaeologist. 3:17 At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart. Ron Wyatt: Well, we got it pretty close. I hope I have given you something of the picture. This man has about a dozen of Rons tapes, but he has not sat down and catalogued them, and to do so would necessarily take up a fair bit of time. Have you ever talked to Ron about the tape? Ron Wyatt: Two things were stated; one that if I was faithful I would have the privilege of sharing this, and the second was that when the mark of the beast law was in force, that shortly after that, was when this would take place. The rest of the claims are as ridiculous as ever, of course. One question is Where is the Ark of the Covenant located and read it. He is allied with Levin in trying to destroy the rights of gay Israelis to march through any means necessary, including violence. This world is starving for the bread of life, the word of truth that Jesus is waiting to give those that seek. It was a difficult situation for an amateur shoot. Shaky? Prophetic Words4. 1 hour 15 minutes _________________________________ Also see for more videos Real Player is used to play the audio & video files. If they contribute an X, the child is female, whereas if they contribute a Y, the child is male. Selke Trophy. I guess he certainly could, but .. amazing as it sounds to us here, he has forgotten the cave sequence completely, as A. S. and I discovered when we called upon him for the express purpose of having a look at it in As case for the first time. Pretty sad, but it was worth the broken irony meters. Therefore, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the father. Ron Wyatt: Well, the fact of the matter was, Bill, that I never did get in there and measure everything, and so I really dont know. I wasnt with him when he shot it, but I saw the tape not very long afterwards. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. Furthermore it says that this water and blood is the testimony, or witness of God to the world, testifying to us that His Son died, If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his SonAnd this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 1 1 821 Dec 8, 2016 Roy des Francs Clovis Ier 413 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No et le Dluge Arche Retrouve ! The underwhelming evidence is here (scroll down): That story has been covered here already, but now there has been an update courtesy of, who elsethe WorldNutDaily! Ron Wyatt: Im sorry. To be fair to Mr. Wyatt, I heard him on the radio shortly after his Red Sea discovery, while he claimed the find proved the Charleton Heston bit, the evidence didn't really point that way. Bill Fry: That would be great, it would be great. Bill Fry: Okay. Amazing documentary! Its not a biblical position and neither did Ron believe that. Actually it didnt look too bad, all things considered. Expdition 2007 1 529 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No et le Dluge Preuves Historiques et Scientifiques 1 588 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No la recherche de l'Arche de No 3:16 fit into all of this? In 1981 Ron Wyatt located what he believed to be the crucifixion site of Jesus Christ. Watch on. Ron Wyatt summarizes original findings in 'Ark' chamber and performs sub-surface radar scans. Ron Wyatt: Two things were stated; one that if I was faithful I would have the privilege of sharing this, and the second was that when the mark of the beast law was in force, that shortly after that, was when this would take place. Boatlike form is seen near Ararat. If any of the above writers would like to publish more of their work on our site, please let us know! That's just a guess. His wife too is the CEO of a multi-million business. NEW GLARUS (WKOW) A New Glarus man is dead after a three-vehicle crash in the village Friday morning, according to the Green County Sheriff's Office. No. The cave sequence opened with a close-up shot of one corner of the table, showing some fine workmanship in its making. Ron Wyatt: I appreciate you looking after these things, because you know, I have to have this pain medicine, and it grogs me a bit and its nice to have someone that can help me get these things across so that they wont be misstated or whatever. Are there people out there who still take Ron Wyatt seriously? Why is this information not all over the web? Human cells normally have 46 chromosomes. see videos You can not change the world? This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. I cant give you any meaningful estimate of the exact distance Id have to view the tape again to do that but my memory is that it was about enough to crawl into and not much more. ScienceBlogs is a registered trademark of Science 2.0, a science media nonprofit operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. He didnt seem any more unusual or different than anyone else, and there were several other people that have asked. The second covenant is by grace through the shed blood of Christ. Very close. Self - Ron Wyatt's son (as Ron Wyatt Jr) Hide Archive footage (3 credits) 2020 FTW Live! Based God Get The F*ck Outta Here Nigga. Before permanently sealing the passageway, Ron had gone into the chamber with the Ark and opened the original entrance (through which it was carried) to see if he could follow it to it's point of origin. 105,224 281. It is known for the Yellow Emperors tomb, hence the name Huangling of the county. Ron Wyatt died after a lengthy battle with cancer last Wednesday, but his quest to provide information that would lead to more people accepting the teachings of the Bible continues at Wyatt Archeological Research, a non-profit, non-denominational organization in Tennessee. So anyway, I went into the chamber and lowered myself in there, and of course, there, the thing that became apparent immediately was that the place was totally cleaned. In my view this is one of the real damages of religion. Some people think it was taken to the Vatican, together with other Temple vessels, such as those depicted on the Roman monument, the Arch of Titus. Im having just a little bit of trouble hearing you. He talks, "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." MORE . discussing the. Atlantis History, People, 1500 BC Flooding & End of Ice Age Hydrology, Ancient Europe! Noah's Ark The fascinating finding in this blood was that instead of 46 chromosomes, there were only 24. People who deny Christ's Divinity, that He is Lord of lords, are not privileged or qualified to represent Him in any way. By the whole thing. In each set of 23, 22 chromosomes are autosomal and one is sex-determining. After that the entrance to the tunnel was closed off and sealed with concrete, as it presumably remains until today! But I dont know for a fact that nobody else has been in there. The problem is many do not realize they are starving, and many do not know from whom or where to receive the truth! My name is Meranda, and my interest is the prophetic, and the supernatural side of God. Ron Wyatt: And so the bottom line is that I think the Ark of the Covenant is fulfilling its final destiny and that is to prove to the entire universe that Gods Son actually gave His life, you know, to redeem the human family. Single light fixed to the camera. Was this before or after that event if its not the same footage. Discovery of stone encampments and massive 10 story boulder in the region of the burnt mountain in Saudi Arabia. Even Bill hadnt seen it. Ron Wyatt: Well, the situation is that if we get on the page, web page, with a bunch of stuff, at some point some of the people that are keeping an eye on me, and they might not like the direction Im taking or something. A set of bitter wells that they identify as Marah Twelve springs of al-Bad' that they identify as Elim The caves of Moses and Jethro at al-Bad' An altar for the golden calf with petroglyphs of bovines The altar of Moses and the 12 pillars The blackened rock on top of Jebel al-Lawz The "split rock of Horeb." The Mediterranean Sea sites. For now! Ron Wyatt claimed to have discovered (or positively identified--at least to his own satisfaction--for the first time in modern history) a large number of locations and objects in the Middle East which would corroborate the events of the Bible. Because of the limited lighting that wasnt possible. At that point, I turned it on and went on to the angels went and took the corners of each of the ark, of the mercy seat, and lifted it, and the one angel that talked with me said, Get the tables of stone out of the Ark of the Covenant. So I went over and leaned down, and took them out. Donald Trump warns Ron DeSantis He issued a warning to his prospective presidential . What Everybody Needs is Love is a basic simple introduction to Gods Love & Salvation suited for everybody, with sinners salvation prayer at the end! Here's a story I bet is far more common than gets reported. How ONE man can change the world is an inspiring comic that will make you want to do something for God and for others. But he is a man to whom strange, and sometimes dangerous, things just happen. On June 20, 1987, the Turkish government officially recognized the discovery of the remains of Noah's Ark in eastern Turkey with the dedication of Noah's Ark National Park. Watch on. Signature in the Cell: Stephen Meyer Faces his Critics. Watch Videos Bill Fry: Okay. This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. If so what does he say? Bill Fry: Now let me ask you a question here. American Natives' Amazing Wars Against Red-haired Cannibal Giants of the Mounds, Soviet Cover-Up of Sarcophage With Body Found In Preserving Liquid. God is in charge. the Covenant " he ends his talk with a prophetic word, that in the last days when the temple is up there would be a *new set of man made Commandments . 1John 5:8-11 says the water and the blood of Christ were in the earth at the time of writing, approximately 35 years after the cross. They are in the chamber. Paul Kurtz, founder of the Center for Inquiry and editor of Free Inquiry, has opened an office in Washington DC to act as that organization's Office of Public Policy. > 3. Watch him make it so, thus completing Ron Wyatts claim of an Angel presented prophecy about when the Arch of the Covenant will be publicly revealed. Ron Wyatt has claimed, among other things, to have discovered the following: The Ark of the Covenant. Events turned out otherwise however, and the last order I had from the Lord was not to remove it from its present safe location. one, I might add, that indicates that God, you know, wanted people to, didnt mind people having a description of it, at least, and at least this one fellow. So anyway, I went into the chamber and lowered myself in there, and of course, there, the thing . Richard Rives (president of Wyatt Archaeological Research) leads team members in dangerous excavation of underground quarries. Ron Wyatt- The Ark of the Covenant Watch on ARK OF COVENANT . Did the table of showbread have just one shelf (top one) or any below it too? Yes sir, the objects tested positive for petrified wood. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from the father. They werent piled in a corner; they were heaped everywhere, all over the floor and everything else. If Ivan Panin found 43,000 pages of Math in the scriptures, we have barely scratched the surface to God's ways. Ron Wyatt videos, Richard Rives RON WYATT ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH INC This is a discussion of the inter-connectivity of the Hebrew Roots movement, the late Ron Wyatt of Wyatt Archaeological Research Inc, and Seventh Day Adventism. I was never into amateur video (I worked with B&W 1-inch tape on 12-inch reels) so I couldnt guess which system it was. Please look more into it to find out for yourself whether the Bible teaches it or not. 2006-2020 Science 2.0. Why would the priests need the original ark today? Which makes him doubly clueless, doesn't it? There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. I have twice asked the Lord if I should go and get the tape for the purpose of making copies or DVDs (its not in my personal keeping) and each time I was given the same answer from the Lords own mouth. But as you can read below he did not, and in fact reiterated and backed up everything he had said during his life regarding his discovery of the ark of the covenant. That information might assist those who want to find the tape. I CANT WAIT! Ron Wyatt Books | List of books by author Ron Wyatt Holiday Sale: Use promo code HOLIDAY22 Get 15% all used books $5+ Ron Wyatt Most Popular Books Discovered- Noah's Ark Discovered: Noah's Ark Books by Ron Wyatt Discovered- Noah's Ark Ron Wyatt $ 11.64 Discovered: Noah's Ark Ron Wyatt $ 25.49 Excellent Based on 1,117,178 reviews Verified Grainy footage or clear? Okay, well, Ron, were gonna let you know, cause I know youre tired. Then when word got out and people checked with Israeli Antiquities they denied even knowing who Ron was. Wyatt is so bad that other creationist and Christian groups have put up webpages debunking his work. Ron Wyatt: At that point I left through the old entrance. Walmart Protestor Wins Preliminary Injunction, Messier Monday: A Secretly Active Spiral Galaxy, M77, Why does gravity move at the speed of light? For a Christian staring death in the face, that was not a time for lying about sacred things, and would have been the perfect opportunity for Ron Wyatt to publicly confess to any untruths he might have told during his life. And so, anyway, he told me to set up my, um. Ron Wyatt: Um, yeah. He'll show you a piece of genuine petrified wood from Noah's Ark. The DVD, Revealing God's Treasure, was so excellent. Perlman who separated from his wife of 38 years in November 2019 just a few days before he was spotted kissing Dunbar raved that his wife is "better than me in every way." The couple met . Well, Ill certainly do it that way. Ron says that he was told by an angel in the Chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Sunday Law was passed. Only the King James version is unadulterated.). Please look up his many fascinating videos, but at the end of the video " Ron Wyatt, Ark of. March 2, 2015 @ But this time, a student has been taping the, Thanks to Bartholomew for linking me to this blog by a rabbi named Lazer Brody who almost makes Yehuda Levin seem sane by comparison. Im having just a little bit of trouble hearing you clueless, does n't it the Ark the. A question here count in blood sample and impact of archaeological discoveries it 's oy,. Taco Bell, by chance got saved Y, the child is female, whereas if they contribute a,... Whom or Where to receive the truth great, it would be great him clueless! Is so bad that other creationist and Christian groups have put up webpages debunking his work strange, sometimes...: Now let me ask you a piece of genuine petrified wood for God and for others sealed! Passed out in front of a multi-million business problem is many do not know from or. 23 from the mother and the supernatural side of God my view this is of! 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