The TRR system combatted this by allowing switching between two very different set of frequencies. Its warhead also allowed it to be used in a secondary surface-to-surface role, and the system also demonstrated its ability to hit other short-range missiles in flight. Subject: Melting Waveguide platforms, In the danger zone of a radiating antenna, German citizens taking pot shots at the Dogs constantly getting bit by snakes while on patrol. Date: Thursday, 19 December 2013. Dogs | He could have have protected the equipment, by pointing the antenna away from our HIPAR, a simple thing to do! Definitions | TestEquipment | Non-malignant thyroid nodular disease. Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012, From: "Robert Kirk" As the larger Hercules would be easier to adapt to a longer-range form, the Army selected it as the winning design. Overview | Hercules | Painting Missiles in a non-ventilate area. My instructions said nothing about stopping the test, so I finished the tests, Cold War is Cold War! To: MemoryLane | Turn a 2 bay vehicles manit. Thule | Murray Hill is where all the AT&T antenna experiments took place. The soldier that fired it did a double take when he realized what the missile was after, threw the launch tube and ran. project, after they rebuilt their antennas front end receiver! Hercules would prove to be the last operational missile from Bell's Nike team; Zeus was never deployed, and Hercules' replacements were developed by different teams. maximum permissible exposure level for personnel subjected to RF radiation For years later my wife thought it was cute that I glowed at night. Acquisition Radar Systems 502-537-Non-scanning PRP | Once a target was found on the LOPAR, it could be identified with aid of an Identification friend or foe system. desert north of Fort Bliss. The about being thrown from a moving In one Redeye shoulder launch test there was a fault in the software that caused the missile to lock full left if it failed to acquire a hot target. AirDefense | a rattle snake in your tent Someone did the impossible by installing the Nike's gyro backward (that was the official explanation) which caused the missile to go more south as the computer told it to go more north. The Nike Hercules missiles were positioned underground in the silos. T he Nike-Hercules was first publicly displayed on May 18, 1957. Tumors of the brain and central nervous system. Army Air-Defense Command Post (AADCP) B-21DC established at Fort Heath, MA in 1960 for Nike missile command-and-control functions. The driver had just stepped around behind a dune to relieve his bladder when the bus blew up. take a cab), Best Crests | Tom Cluff | Nor did it stop the fighting in the press. The civilian said he must have been in the antenna, that was why the phone was not answered. Members | The occasion was the national commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the defense department. A similar test on 29 July launched two missiles against three F-80 Shooting Star drones flying in formation, the first missile destroyed the lead aircraft while the second passed within lethal range of a second. A power density of 10 milliwatts per square centimeter is Sometime later our site was called up as we were the backup battery. There was an American with him in the barn at the time but didnt see him lock and load a round. Sieverts or rem are used in reports on radiation disasters, because they give a better sense of how the radiation might affect human health. The other pit rat and myself rolled a round on the launcher and I performed the stray voltage check. RF radiation heats MS-70 | RedCanyonRange | New to the Hercules system was the Target Ranging Radar, or TRR. Luckily spread eagle. SL-40 | Alligator poachers spotlighting our sentry dogs at A252 in the Everglades, Cottonmouth and rattlesnakes between the security fences, Rats scrounging for dog food in the kennel shacks, Snakes crawling on window awnings at night, feeding on the insects that were drawn to the lights, Alligators running across the road at nightin front of motorcycles. Use of Trichlorethelene: I can remember when I was an E-2 or PFC at Site SF-88. Supply Person (76Y) shot is finger in the arms room with a M1911A1 (cal.45). When the TTR and MTR radars were locked, the computer had a firing solution and the missile reported active, the LA lamp changed from amber to green, indicating the ability to fire. Not only were the duties on a and 16Bs to 5th Gen The Nike Hercules, initially designated SAM-A-25 and later MIM-14, was a surface-to-air missile (SAM) used by U.S. and NATO armed forces for medium- and high-altitude long-range air defense. 126 feet, Target Tracking During development the Air Force continued its Project Wizard while the Army started its Project Plato studies for dedicated anti-missile systems. The former three-missile Nike Hercules base in Rocky Point is now the site of an Army Reserve Center but the remnants of the missile base remaina variety of structures and missile silos. [17] This was answered most forcibly not by the Army, but the Defense Secretary Charles Erwin Wilson, who wrote in Newsweek that "one hard solid fact remerges above them all: no matter what the Nike is or isn't, it's the only land-based operational anti-aircraft missile that the U.S. PresentingSF-88L | Radiation at the test site was. head wound from the fins (Crew Chicago was slated to shortly begin receiving its Hercules upgrades. It is relatively easy to jam a conventional radar by sending out additional pulses of radio signal on the same frequency. At MA+4 the missile self destructed when it failed to detect the MTR. Even with an estimated 2000 Army, Marines, and ARVN to try to protect us our life expectancy was less than 90 minutes (probably closer to 90 seconds) after the wheels stopped rolling. The LA consisted to a maximum of four launching sections, each section consisted of an underground storage area, an elevator to move missiles to and from the surface launchers, and four aboveground firing locations. When the intensity is high, the radiation may produce enough Chief), Being a nube and forgetting to 2nd of the 52nd | Scoring, and other routine soldier duties like guard duty, K.P., painting and BR-04 | Ajax | We then drove around out on the desert jumping over sand dunes with the jeeps. [2]:287[22] Conventionally armed Nike Hercules missiles also served in the United States, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Japan, Norway, and Taiwan. In May 1952, Bell was asked to explore such an adaptation to the Nike. VA recognizes that the following diseases are possibly caused by exposure to ionizing radiation during service: All cancers. Damage to body tissue is not immediately Harold Stanford | On both the IFC and the LA maintenance people were available. The best I remember they were kind of amber in color and a little translucent. The Starfish Prime radiation belt persisted at high altitude for many months and damaged the United States satellites Traac, Transit 4B, Injun I and Telstar I, . BR-17 | Efforts to mount the HIPAR on the same platform between March and December 1962 were not nearly as successful, and on 18 December 1962 the concept was abandoned in favor of an "airmobile" solution using conventional M52 trucks and modified trailers. The IFC contained the search and tracking radars and control center (operators, computer, etc. Additionally the radar was given the "Electronic Frequency Selection" (EFS) system which allowed operators to quickly switch between a selection of operating frequencies at about 20 microseconds, while the earlier system required manual switching that took about 30 seconds. The Best Nike Hercules Missile Radiation Exposure 2022. turning over, with injuries to HM-69 | HA-08 HA-25 | In February, Air Force Chief of Staff Thomas D. White shocked everyone when he requested that BOMARC deployments be reduced to eight US and two Canadian sites, essentially killing the program. Hercules remained the US's primary heavy SAM until it began to be replaced by the higher performance and considerably more mobile MIM-104 Patriot in the 1980s. Note that this has no effect on the determination of the direction to the target, which is the same for both the original and jammer pulses. Once locked-on, tracking was automatic.[36]. Every thing inside but a 1 meter dish to transmit. azimuth, elevation and range of the missile were displayed on the plotting boards. In part because of less parts supportability, Western European (Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force (4 ATAF) and Second Allied Tactical Air Force (2 ATAF) sites essentially became fixed sites and were no longer considered capable of a mobile role. Like the Ajax, the Hercules used a transponder in the missile. LA-29 | ammo trailer that lost three of the best DAMN people whom into a missile tracking magnetron, (just turned on - not up). Then put it back in the barn. It was later revealed that only one of the sixty missiles at the site was actually functional at that time. Overview | This also applies to All Radar Equipment used in All American Military Services.Exposure To Ionizing Radiation By Radar, Microwave Radio Frequency,->>> Carl Palmer, near Seattle, WA sent this out & I got started with sharing this Important . Like the Germans and British before them, they concluded the only successful defence would be to use guided weapons.[5]. Paint a Hercules trainer missile put it on a ready round trailer. Subject: Nike Site Dangers (UNCLASSIFIED) I know.. it's not possible.right. R. . fracture)? MOS 16b20 From: Robin Smith EOD failed to come out to see, but sent instructions on what to do. In spite of the greatly increased explosive power, the WX-7 was only slightly heavier than the WX-9, about 950lb (430kg) for common XW-7 versions, as opposed to 850lb (390kg) for the XW-9.[10]. [24], Even before deployment of Hercules began, studies on improvements to the system had been identified. Resulting from the radiation particle fallout from those tests, and from an attempt to resettle the atoll in the 1970s, after the u.s. Unless the transmitter has encoded some additional form of information in the signal, the receiver cannot determine which pulse it sent out and which is from the jammer. [28] HIPAR was a large system and generally deployed under a dome on top of a concrete platform that raised it above any local obstructions. This was aircraft with speeds up to Mach 3, a wide range of radar cross sections, and powerful electronic countermeasures. F16 buzz the IFC so the IFC made the F16 light come on (lock on the F16). The Rocky Point missile base was operational from 1957 to 1974. 240 feet, Systems Physicists use these two adjustment factorstype of radiation and sensitivity of tissueto convert from measures of radiation absorption to measures of effective dose. Ionizing radiation is defined by the va as atmospheric nuclear weapon exposure, particle radiation, i.e., nuclear waste disposal and dirty bomb attacks. Air starting four 75mm "M" motors . Photo: U.S. Navy This group includes Veterans who: Served on nuclear submarines and other nuclear ships or in shipyards On top of it all the Germany police said your road permit just about out of time. Used to clean power supplies and chassis on antennas. We never found the round and I am not sure what happened to the Belgian soldier but for all I know he is still in jail. 4 hrs in the tower and 4 hrs out of the tower. [13], As part of the upgrade project, the original missile became known as Nike I. To: All CONUS Hercules batteries, with the exception of the ones in Florida and Alaska, were deactivated by April 1974. NY56 | Wilson attempted to address the inter-service rivalries by enforcing a strict limit on the range of Army systems. We were using trichlorethelene (but not in a well vented area). At the same time, there were increasing concerns that higher speed aircraft would be able to launch their warheads at the extreme range of the Nike bases. [36] On the IFC the status of the selected missile was given. The site was an AN/FSG-l Missile-Master Radar Direction Center. The problem was the missile launcher itself, and especially the large HIPAR radar, which presented a formidable mobility problem. tower guards have not been told Launched against such a formation, the Nike would fly towards the center of the composite return. They finished their work and left. least). This information is base upon the average power outputs and Subject: Inherent Dangers of Nike work, From: Michael Williquette Also conducted were tests to evaluate ECM performance, two surface-to-surface tests, and two Hercules-on-Hercules attacks with the target Hercules flying in a semi-ballistic trajectory.[27]. A 23 October 1954 report stated that "Concurrent with the prosecution of the NIKE I and NIKE B programs, studies and research and development must be conducted to insure that the NIKE equipment is modernized to the maximum extent within the limits of current technology and economics of improvement as compared to investment in a new system ". Reunions | I mean really fired it up, small spark followed immediately by a medium explosion! Date: August 4, 2019. thing working a Nike site some @MacGregor We, the 333rd, were briefly on orders to go to Vietnam as an ABM unit (like HUNH??!) M21-1, Part IV, Subpart ii, Chapter 2, Section C - Service Connection (SC) for Disabilities Resulting From Exposure to Environmental Hazards or Service in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) This section contains the following topics: Topic Topic Name. At 3:03 AM I received a call from our base switchboard. | Radar | U.S.targets | I was woken at 6:30 AM by our Master Sergeant banging on my door telling me to get dressed and report to the base commander now and bring the daily log! The adaption kit, xm75e1, which adapted the w31 warhead to the nike missile, was unpackaged and bolted to the forward end of the warhead (now a part of the missile). Radar-Wide Pulse Mode Nike missile, any of a series of U.S. surface-to-air missiles designed from the 1940s through the 1960s for defense against attack by high-flying jet bombers or ballistic-missile reentry vehicles. LaunchSet | Otherwise the LOPAR was used. It was normally armed with the W31 nuclear warhead, but could also be fitted with a conventional warhead for export use. "[9]:63, Plans had been made to test the Hercules' W-7 warhead in a live-fire exercise in 1959 as part of "Operation SNODGRASS". sargent turns white), Ending up with an eye injury rapidly diminishes as the distance is increased. Prior to assuming hot status we had to run a drill. HerculesMissile | One morning we ran the HIPAR antennas up into position and all the interlock lights lit so I lit up the transmitter and suddenly every neon lamp in the ACQ van starts flashing on and off which I quickly realized was in time with the antenna rotation. Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 In January, only four missiles were operational at Suffolk, and during House appropriation hearings that month, the DoD proved rather subdued when Congress attacked the design, especially in light of several failed tests of the BOMARC B missile. hospital (those deemed sickest From: "Robert Bennington" The booster was formed from four of the earlier Ajax M5E1 boosters held together in a frame. Store | To address this whole range of issues, Bell proposed a series of changes:[26]. I was at Delta Team 43rd Artillary with our headquarters in Duran. There was one location, which, as a courtesy, you were to call them at 2:45 AM and warn them the test would start at 3:00 AM. At Shot Morgan on October 7, two sets of missile His Thompson went off. Transmitting antennas in the non-scanning mode should not be Can you say Asbestos time it was only 1974. To operate the Nike Hercules system on the IFC the crew consisted of about nine operators under command of the Battery Control Officer (BCO). Sent: Friday, March 8, 2013. Gilbert Burke | Have to make a 90 degree turn on the way back. Nike Hercules was included in SALT I discussions as an ABM. the Improved Nike-Hercules radar antennas. Current Events | Harold Stanford | Deployment began in 1958, initially at new bases, but it eventually took over many Ajax bases as well. They split development between the Army Air Force or the Ordnance Department based on whether or not the design "depend[ed] for sustenance primarily on the lift of aerodynamic forces" or "primary on the momentum of the missile". Subject: Danger and Fun, From: "Jim Derendinger" Subject: Dangers of a Nike Site, From: "Robert Bennington" Instead of the basic W-7, development of an improved 20kt (84TJ) boosted fission design known as W31. When the missile neared the intercept point a command signal was sent to the missile to explode.[36]. Air Lifting a Nike Site; Nike Site Dangers; You're in the Army Now; Life on the Hill; CIA & Nike Hercules; Film, Movies, Video; News. Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012. [40] There are slight differences in dimensions as reported in different sources, it is not known if this is due to different versions.[35]. Handling | going out to the RF Test Set. Tents were only 8 to 10 feet from the building they were rebuilding. Our warhead team had the rest of the week to kill. No equipment mechanic was on site so as the SSG in charge of the engineering section I was called in and no sooner after I had the missile back down and into the bunker and I was walking away from the hill there was a MAJOR DIRECT LIGHTENING STRIKE to the exact launch door that had been jammed open with a raised NIKE HERC MISSILE. (Me), Having a security alert at night [14], The new design ultimately provided effective ranges on the order of 75 miles (65nmi; 121km) and altitudes ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 feet (6,100 to 30,500m). Propellant samples and various other Nike-Hercules components were also exposed to atomic explosions and radiation during other Plumbbob shots. Gilbert Burke | Oozlefinch | Skilled operators could also try to track the target in a manual tracking mode. However, it makes the determination of range difficult or impossible. Those black, yellow and red Korean hornets. Engineers continued work on getting a second missile operational at McGuire, but the Air Force went ahead with plans to open the Suffolk County Missile Annex by 1 January 1960. itself after a power surge or drop. I was manning the emergency power switch and had to shut down the system. My tech goes in and turns on three power switches, as we usually did Big fire, burning cable all 252 feet, and about 1000 feet of wiring in the van! He was playing with the seal on his clip and broke it. As Hercules had evolved from the fixed-base Ajax system, early deployments offered no mobility. It was quite a bit bigger than the Nike Ajax launcher and it weighed about 7 tons. Klystron tube going "real" bad! (everyone), Working down range at night and The rocket will be a full scale replica of the Nike Hercules missile. By the early 1950s, the Air Force was still struggling with their own long-range weapon systems, originally started in the 1940s in the GAPA project. Needless to say the engineering section chief and his assistant got read the riot act. Engineers had been in earlier in the day to bleed the elevator locking bars which could only be accessed by cheating the system so the magazine doors would not open. moving it up range for maintenance 2 people pulling/pushing by hand a 10,710 pound missile to a launcher. Plato was cancelled in February 1959, replaced in the short term by further upgrades to Hercules, and in the longer term by the FABMDS program. Both forces, and their congressional supporters, realized that splitting the budget would mean neither force would be funded to the level required to fulfill the defence mission. [23] The first deployments in Europe began in 1959. Date: April 23, 2016. Getting called to duty at 3AM to go and save two MPs who were on a site-seeing mission in a snow storm and their jeep got stuck. Smaller deltas in front of the main wings, and blended into them, provided roll control with very small flaps mounted to pivot along a line roughly 45 degrees from the line of the fuselage. Martin produced the T48E1 and E2 designs for Ajax used a fiberglass casing that was destroyed by small explosives, but this proved overweight and did not boost the Ajax to the required speed. [38], Hercules could carry either a nuclear warhead or a conventional high-explosive warhead (T-45 fragmentation type). Germany 1961: Being the only one in the back of a 5 ton when the driver slams on the brakes. I called the number at 2:45 AM and got no answer (this was before answering machines). It evolved into a much larger missile with two solid fuel stages that provided three times the range of the Ajax. In March 2016, the Department of the Army Veterans' Radiation Exposure Program at the Army Public Health Center provided VA with a report after evaluating the appellant's records. LA-43 | Re: Trichloroethylene, From: "Tom de Grom" The last Hercules missile was launched in the Sardinian range of Capo San Lorenzo in Italy on November 24, 2006.[34]. Safety officer blew it before it crossed into Mexico. How about being shot in the chest in the ready building from an uncleared weapon! Carl Durling C-2-52 1961-62: However, as rumours of a ban on atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons spread, SNODGRASS became a crash project to be completed before 1 September 1958 at any available site the Nevada Test Site was fully booked with the existing Project AMMO testing series. A dual-launch followed on 24 July, with the first round destroying its target with the T45, and the second with the instrument package flying one second behind. NIKE Hercules Missile 1/40 Plastic Model Kit (1 review) Write a Review SKU: H1804 Condition: New Availability: Usually Ship in 24hrs Shipping: Calculated at Checkout How long is the model when complete: The model measures 13.5 inches long What age is recommended: Ages 14 and up What paints do I need: MS-70 | [12], During this period, some effort was put into a frangible booster for the Ajax. Spec.-5 Emmett R. Caraker Jr. However, as it protected a much greater area, not as many sites were needed to provide coverage of potential targets. sfn error: no target: CITEREFLeonard2011 (, United States tri-service rocket designations post-1963, United States Army Center of Military History, "Complete List of All U.S. Nuclear Weapons", "New Battle Looms Over Army's Newest Missile", "Nickerson Accuses Wilson Of 'Grave Errors' On Missiles", "Army Weights Court-Martial Over Missiles", "Naval Forces' Capability for Theater Missile Defense", "Nike-Hercules Anti-Aircraft Missile Launched", "The Nike Hercules of the Italian Air Force Museum", "Nike Hercules Booster Motor Assembly Markings and Paint Schemes", "SF-88 NIKE MISSILE ASSEMBLY and SERVICE AREAS", "Nike History, Eyewitness accounts of Timothy Ryan, Carl Durling, and Charles Rudicil", Last Line Of Defense: Nike Missile Sites In Illinois, Holm Hinrichs Collection, The University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives and Special Collections,, Cold War nuclear missiles of the United States, Cold War surface-to-air missiles of the United States, Military equipment introduced in the 1950s, Articles with dead external links from December 2022, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from July 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Hercules M42 solid-fueled rocket cluster (4 M5E1 Nike boosters) 978, Sustainer: Thiokol M30 solid-fueled rocket 44.4, improvements to the X-band TTR/MTR radars to increase range, the addition of the long-range L-band "High Power Acquisition Radar" (HIPAR) to detect small, high-speed targets, the addition of the wide-frequency Ku-band Target Ranging Radar (TRR) to provide ranging in a heavy ECM environment, the addition of an active seeker on the missile to improve performance against low-altitude targets, This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 12:42. Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 6:39:30 PM The crew on the LA, also under command of the BCO, was responsible for preparing and erecting the missile. the body tissues. R&D, 2d Bn 51st Arty Individual Training Guide, New 2nd Lieutenants trying to get BCO The "simulated target" appears to be purely simulated, not a drone. General Electric demonstrated a prototype on 11 February 1964. The base commander told me he had a call from an angry civilian saying that I had destroyed his equipment last night and he was billing the Army for $40,000 (this was in 1965!) Radiation exposure High pressure hydraulic lines bursting In the danger zone of a radiating antenna Body parts sucked into cooling fans German citizens taking pot shots at the IFC due to getting tired of the constant blip-blip-blip from the HIPAR Finding a Nike Hercules' warhead armed itself after a power surge or drop. Personnel should not be permitted to enter areas where they may be There were concerns about the possibility of Air Force fighters being attacked by Army missiles, but the two forces improved co-ordination between the Army's ARAACOM and the Air Force's Air Defense Command (ADC) to the point where it was no longer a serious concern. Going to ag shack and meeting mister brown bear on the way or going to pick up mail from main post and getting run over by a moose in rut. During an alert, the site would go on "blue alert", at which time the LA crew would arm and erect the missiles and then retreat to safety. SF-87 | Germany 1962: Performing maintenance on the racks in the Missile Storage Building, with overhead doors closed, crossing from one side to the other I swung the gate towards the overhead door and there was an electric arc from the door to the racks. Watching 2 MIG's fly over the Exclusion Area and buzz the tower, while tailed by 2 Tornado's (Italy). The battery crew was housed on-site, either at the IFC, or sometimes, together with administrative offices and general services on a separate area. This was my first time doing this test. Thanks to the good folks at the Redstone airfield, while they weren't looking, it only took 3 weeks before we had an operating radar. The guys in the bunker thought they were toast (literally). The Best Nike Hercules Missile Radiation Exposure 2022. Greece | currents, arming magnetos, pissed off attack dogs, rifles and handguns, Had to hike down to them and bring their gear and then march them back to IFC whining all the way about how cold it was (-80 white out). Maintenance | Solid fuel rockets can remain stored for years and are generally very difficult to ignite without an extended period of applied flame. As early as 1944 the US Army started exploring anti-aircraft missiles, examining a variety of concepts. Parathyroid adenoma. Finding a Nike Hercules' warhead armed Personnel should not be permitted to enter areas where they may be exposed to levels above 10 milliwatts per square centimeter. I updated my log and headed down the hill for some rest. These changes were presented on 24 August 1956, and accepted by both CONARC and ARADCOM. Germany Oct 1962: Frostbite while manning the perimeter during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Dangers | Another development for the anti-ballistic missile role later emerged as the much larger LIM-49 Nike Zeus design. LaunchSet | I mean we were working 24 hours straight. Government mistakenly told them it was safe to return to their home island. TrainingGuide | List, by MOS, of likely extent of exposure to asbestos. 2nd of the 52nd | At its peak, it was deployed at over 130 bases in the US alone. may be used as a guide to prevent radio-frequency radiation hazards. 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