Again, what was the point? Morgana may have been willing to do this in order to save Arthur. It really is sad that the ending wasnt good, because the rest of the show was awesome. If Merlin had listened to the Dragon once again, he would have eliminated a powerful threat, but he instead kept her alive. She is regarded as the greatest mage in Britannia. This is certainly how I interpreted the show, but of course what one fan thinks means nothing. Both Arthur and Morgana are affected by the actions of Merlin andto some extentMordred. Bullet Train ending explained. And its not just us! Arthur on the other hand wants his destiny with Camelot but winds up becoming, as you said, a somewhat mundane character and as a king accomplishing very little. Almost six months later, were still waiting for that moment to come where we can put Merlin on the proverbial shelf in our minds along with all of our other beloved fandoms which have come to an end, but that moment seems as far away as ever. It also discounts the distinct hierarchical differences between them, as well as the relationships they have in Series 1 and 2. For the record Ive kind of changed my opinion since I wrote this. In the season 2 episode "The Nightmare Begins" Morgana suspects that she has magic. Also with the power that Camelot would yield its doubtful anyone would wish to challenge it. The wise Merlin from legend is old and grey. 6. codymolenaar 2 yr. ago. I just feel really disbelieving that hed never come to that conclusion. It was a wonderfully done show in so many ways with characters that are so well done that binge watching it was great fun. Epic adventures have disappointments, mistakes to overcome by taking other actions to correct them, sadness, tragedy, and heartbreakand there is plenty of that to be found throughout the seriesthe entirety of the series did not have to end like that to where it was ALL ultimately all in vain thats not just a sad ending, but a stupid ending. The end is frustrating, Merlin would have saved Arthur by calling the Dragon to take them to the lake or even by not ignoring the prophecy about Mordred and go on the battle field to help Arthur instead of being the hero to Camelot and failing Arthur. Even after all the ways Merlin turned Arthur against Magic, Arthur was still willing to accept it into Camelot, but Merlin finally convinced him not to. Yes, the execution was pretty botched; I will admit that. It feels unresolved, like a failure of character writing. Because the dragons final words, while meant to bring him hope, basically thwarted any hope of closure for Merlin. Merlin would later give up another golden opportunity to kill Morgana in season 3 in the episode The Crystal Cave. Rai, in "Merli: Sapere Aude" Season 2, finds himself lost and unable to focus on one thing. Free Guy was every bit the action comedy Ryan Reynolds name is becoming synonymous with, but there is a hell of a lot more to it than that. It is not doubted that Morgana is still a caring person at this point, and she feels for her friend. I actually did some research and the king arthur stories are said to be largely fiction based on other Kings in history which I found that surprising. Especially one that merlin argues with and defies in every single episode. He has powers beyond comprehension even as a child, doesnt fall for Merlins lies, is clearly in control even though he is a child and tells Merlin he will never forget his betrayal. Still Merlin did play a hand in it by delaying the assassin and giving Morgana enough time to save Uthers life. :) I was disatisfied with the real ending so.. here it is! The title character fails completely. I agree with you that the people who produced this wanted to show that while prophesies can be made the ultimate outcome can be changed. We dont know anything, beyond that Merlin is still waiting for Arthur. Merlin is told by Kilgarrah that the best course of action is to not let her discover her powers. I mean, I like Merlin, but I still prefer Arthur and even though I understand that Merlin didnt want to kill people, he should have at least picked better solutions. Then, theres once again the problem of magic having killed Uther, and Morganas complicity and eventual guilt causing the ultimately same outcome. Nimue decapitates Father Carden, leading the Red Paladins to turn on one another. I would have had Gaius die in the last episode of series 4. So this departure, him telling Arthur that there is no place for magic in Camelot, felt completely off. Every step of the way Merlin made the wrong choice in how to deal with Morgana. Epic adventures have disappointments, mistakes including big mistakes to overcome by taking other actions to correct them, sadness, tragedy, and heartbreakand there is plenty of that to be found throughout the seriesthe entirety of the series did not have to end like that to where it was ALL ultimately all in vain thats not just a sad ending, but a stupid ending. And youre right about Gaius, as much as I love him, his advice in season 5, not so great. it was impossible for it not to leave a lasting impression. Problem is, she doesnt much confide in him. What if Orpheus had resisted the urge to look back at Eurydice as he led her out of the Underworld? Why? Arthur may not have finished building an accepting and peaceful kingdom, but the woman he married shares those ideals and now rules over Camelot; which would not have happened had he chosen to marry say, the Side Princess instead. Directed by David Leitch from a screenplay by Zak Olkewicz, Bullet Train is based on the Japanese novel by Ktar Isaka. I think we should kill Arthur off at the end, leave half of the prophecy unfulfilled. Thats a brilliant idea!. Merlin's Prophecies. Furthermore once again Morgana would then have revealed her magical abilities, Merlin his too which would have further cemented magics place in Camelot. In the final showdown against the Demon King, Escanor loses his life because of the immense burden of the power of Sunshine. And Arthur killing his love. Gowther also mentioned that since that time, he had heard many rumors about her, but that none of them led to her. In the penultimate episode of series 2 however The Fires of Idirsholas Merlin makes the biggest blunder of his career. A truck, honostly? It really feels like theres more to the story (and theres a tumblr out there that takes once and future king seriously and has constructed an apparently well told sixth season about Arthur coming back from the dead) and they didnt get to do it. The Dragon makes it very clear that there are two possible futures that could unfold here. Id rather have one perfect episode of television than a season of pretty good, and whatever else Merlin was, that final episode is one of the best episodes of anything Ive ever seen. And what I realized as I watched that final episode was that this story was not just a retelling of the Arthurian Legends, but of Romeo and Juliet the perfect tragedy except in this version, they didnt even get to die together: instead, one half was forced to live forever without the other; an even more perfect tragedy in that it doesnt even offer the balm of an ending, instead keeping its viewers trapped in emotional purgatory right alongside Merlin, waiting for an resolution that might never come. We choose to believe that, like Nimueh, Merlin could still maintain his youthful appearance if he wanted to. Merlin only did this to stop Arthur from killing his father in a moment of rage and having the guilt of that plague him for the rest of his life. ), that final shot was the nail in our collective coffin of doom: after all this time, Arthur has still not returned. In this interview, Murphy acknowledges that, "Yes, it is quite sad," but at the same time, "it's quite a sad legend, to be honest, so it . Even just a few episodes where Arthur mortally wounded and unable to be healed fully returns to Camelot to revoke the decrees against sorcery leaving Gwen to complete the work. He gave her the antidote. that was the destiny too. Heads up, Taylor Swift fans Red (Taylors Version) is coming even sooner than we expected! Still I wouldnt put the blame of what happens entirely in the finale on Merlins actions in this episode. The big threat (the birth of Tiamut and the destruction of Earth) has been avoided, and our heroes are left to sort out . Throughout the series Arthur and Merlins destiny are if you will pardon the pun, not set in stone. By the 10th episode of season 1, The Moment of Truth (in retrospect the high point of that foursome dynamic), Merlin had abandoned all pretenses of being a procedural legend-a-week family show and had fully embraced the emotional intensity of what these people meant to each other and would one day mean. Merlin didnt turn Morgana evil. Still when you watch it back it does appear that the writers wanted us to think that Merlin was making decisions that would doom his future. Imagine that Arthur seeing a Dragon swoop in to save him. Uther could have been killed by the Dark Night in Excalibur as the Dragon suggests, Merlin saved Uther with Excalibur, that was the first time. Now Merlin has three options and once again he picks the worst one. I just feel really disbelieving that hed never come to that conclusion. She could have bargained with Morgause, and may have indeed done so when she was the only person awake, but at that point, Morgana has little power to stop Morgause doing as she wishes. I would have had Aithusa bring out her compassionate side more and her feel that she had misjudged Arthur after he brought magic back. Nothing good came of Arthurs death, and Merlin was allowed no possible way out of his grief and regret not even death, as the final scene strongly hinted that hed indeed been waiting for all this time. Let the young boy be hanged, poison your best friend, let Uther die etc. FREE THIS LAND FROM TYRANNY MERLIN! When the series premiered 10 years ago, it was clearly part of the BBCs effort to revive the quirky, slightly silly and borderline frightening family programming that had made Doctor Who (both the original and the 2005 reboot) such a success. But the Season 3 premiere revealed there's a third led by Eva (Barbara Nsse), who is the future version of Martha ( Lisa Vicari) from the mirror universe. The creators themselves have come out and said it is a sad ending, because the original story of Arthur dying (or being fatally wounded at least) is also tragic. I dont like that the greatest sorcerer in history would fail so horribly so many times with no real redemption to the climax of the story. All essential characteristics of royalty Im sure but nothing that would inspire loyalty or the idiot Merlins constant protection. 1/ Sparing Mordred: He should have followed the Great Dragons advice and killed him, or at the very least not made Mordred suspicious of him. It does not see Arthurs destiny through, does not leave room for our imaginations about much. I mean, there must be a reason why Merlin is still alive at the very end of the episode. She could have at least revealed she suspected she might be magical again, a terrifying time, but Arthur wouldnt have knifed her on the spot. (Remember when he found out he tried to actually kill Uther. It may have prevented her from feeling so paranoid until Morgause showed Arthur what really happened. Arthur married a woman who was open minded and empathetic, who also is now aware that a sorcerer saved her kingdom, even though her husband has died. And that leads us to the real reason we cant let go of Merlin: the series finale. The entire Merlin fanbase, whether they loved or hated the finale, are still talking about it. And after Arthur died, Merlin didnt even get to walk away. Katie McGrath continued to do a spectacular job with the role, which only highlighted all the missed opportunities for nuance or, at the very least, for there to be a glimmer of the person she used to be still in there somewhere. With Morganas death Arthur and Merlin created Albion because no other King or Queen was about to start a war. What a waste of time! He didnt take destiny seriously enough or took it too seriously, both dangerous. The point isthere shouldve been a season 6 wich would bring the return of Arthur as foretold by the profecyand showing Merlin and Arthur fulling their destinies like the tale is toldbut the series was always a prequel, but wouldve been nice to see that. uber account on hold for investigation; pequannock nj police blotter; original ss cuff titles for sale near belgrade; meritage aubrey barth; max johnson boris johnson brother Mr. Bailey is no longer there, and Noodles sees the blades that crush the trash in the back. Worse still he allowed Morgause to run off with her. merlin ending truck explained. for i bage that you atleast make the sixth episode as you have explained it would be. The Dragon does always to be fair give Merlin the most ruthless and callous suggestion. The BBC One series, which aired on Syfy in the US, consistently averaged six million viewers during its Saturday night timeslot. Despite having so much potential, Morgana and Gwen both got caught in second-hand stasis from the stagnant secret magic plot, and the series evidently not knowing how to develop them or give them much nuance beyond what the legends dictated. I would definitely have preferred a clearer resolution of the acceptance of magic into Camelot as per the original post and suggestions of alternative endings. Rise of the Titans is the culmination of all three, wrapping up Tales of Arcadia with a feature film that brings together all of the characters for a climactic battle. He says that if he does not then Morgause will kill Arthur and the future Merlin and Arthur are destined to create will die with him. His name. Gaius tells him that Arthurs time is not ready and Gwen says that it would be wrong to stoop to Uthers level and allow him to die. Warning: This post contains spoilers for the finale of Cursed Season One. There is clearly a lot in it as here we are almost 10 years on (cant believe its been that long) and so many people are still rediscovering Merlin. Someone had to have a happy ending! Thanks so much for the kind words and your comments on the Morgan article too. When Uther is mortally wounded Merlin tries to save him with magic by using a spell that will heal him. Were Arthur and merlin shown to be unwilling to accept their destiny because life is complicated and tough and not clear as we see in our everyday life, then why make it a legend? are all meaninglessfrom the very first episode, watching this series again has zero replay value because you know it is all pointless the title character Merlin will ultimately fail and be completely heartbroken it literally would make seeing so many scenes be upsetting because you know it is not going to ever happen. But not Merlin. Its hardly a wonder that after this, being told that Morgana was going evil, seeing shades of it, and seeing her lying that he chose the poison, especially as he was weakened and desperate. Cenred was at war with Camelot because of his hatred of Uther. Lets be honest Kilgharrah was a much more interesting character than Gaius. Not that that is a bad thing mind you, to dispose of the mad tyrant. For this reason Merlin convinced Arthur not to agree to their demands and not to bring magic back. But whatever happened at Camelot, we know that eventually, the golden age had to end, and the kingdom had to fall apart. Arthurs destiny wasnt to rule over camelot, thats propably Gwens destiny. I might have linked that information in one of my reviews on it. I would have had Merlin summon Kilgharrah to help dethrone Morgana. Like I said this a very understandable mistake, however I think Merlin does make it worse by hesitating to save Mordred. So yeah, Im not really satisfied. Which could have stopped the rest of the event from unfolding. On top of that he would have had Morgana convincing him not to treat those with Magic so cruelly. For the most part, his efforts in The King's Man are limited to intelligence . Your articles and blogs are so fascinating. Each episode has been an achievement in storytelling, with few stories that didn't drive forward the overall story arc. OH MY GOSH, I like your version so much better! So why is Merlin, that fun little Saturday night family show on the BBC, so hard to get over? But YESSSS there were many times they could have stopped what happened. Your analysis has a great deal of merit, but their decision to end it like that really makes the entire show pointless. At the end Morgana who would be torn between Mordred and Arthur would redeem herself and help Arthur and I would have had Kilgharrah take responsibility for his role in turning Morgana evil and apologize to her after she saves Merlin. That magic wasnt brought back! You suck! Arthur didnt start out the perfect heroic figure we know from the legends. But we saw nothing of it." RELATED: One Decision That Could've Changed Everything In BBC's Merlin, According To Reddit Merlin premiered 10 years ago today, promising a fun family adventure. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why Merlins Ending Might Make More Sense. It ruined my immersion in the story. Added to that there would be plenty of other sorcerers in Arthurs kingdom that would support him too. He had been there for magical tests with Arthur before, and he also is seen doubting himself in regards to Mordreds character, since he so clearly sacrificed himself for the King. You can let out a sigh of relief and go back to your own life, content in the knowledge that your fictional friends are alive and well. A veteran of the Second Boer War, the elder Oxford lost his wife in an ambush, and vowed never to fight again. There are two moments when Merlin should have let Uther die to bring about the future the Dragon had foreseen. The most upsetting thing about the ending is that you can look up producer and writer interviews where they said this was the ending they wanted. If Merlin had followed Kilgharrahs actions then it could have bought him more time. Arthur would have also come to power before Morgana discovered her true abilities, and when Mordred was a child. Also Merlin could have turned Morgana against Morgause by telling her that Morgause had made her the source of her spell, which Morgana did not know about. Gwen and Morgana and their relationship, wasted as it was in later seasons, was just as integral to hooking viewers into that all-important core four dynamic. The Great Dragon warns Merlin against saving this boy, as if he does then the boy will kill Arthur when he grows up.,d.ZGU. Like Arthur, he is a flawed character, arguably has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth, and most notably, he doesnt have all the answers and easy solutions wed expect from the original Merlin. He did bugger all in his five years as the ruler of Camelot. He did not blame the dragon or despise his destiny. So if I were him, I would let her die and keep her living as a hero to those who grieved. It was literally the perfect place for him to tell him it was possible. May 29, 2022 . And it wouldnt be a fair trial either. The writing was layered with meaning and foreshadowing, both in terms of the characters and the legends, which had been cleverly reframed and reimagined to facilitate universal stories about family and friendship. That being said I think this series will remain one of my favourites and I thank the creators and producers for it. In the season 1 episode The Beginning of the End Merlin meets a young druid boy named Mordred. Arthurs Destiny was to create Albion (An antique name for Great Britain) and this was only possible if Morgana dies and never gets the throne of camelot because with her on the throne there could never be any kind of Freedom. And, on a macro level, the story fulfilled that promise beautifully. And what a gift that must have been for these performers, particularly Morgan and James, to get to fully dive into the depth of emotion there, to be vulnerable and expressive in a way we rarely get to see men be in genre media (or at least we didnt in 2012). And that happened, and Merlin helped him with that. Completely different thought here is that the destiny was not realized on screen to keep it among us, to transcend it more than a legend, by hinting Merlin is still around, and Arthur will be the next messiah. Nothing of the journey from the very first episode we start on ultimately comes to pass. We dont know, because this tragic ending was not an ending at all. As for Gwen, at least we can make up a happy ending for her. It's revealed that when . He also knows that sometimes there are roundabout ways to interpret the dragons advice. merlin is such a wonderful movie but am really pissed off by the news and show of king arthurs death,but i hope their would bring out another interesting season that will make all great prophecies of the great dragon come to pass. Netflix: Cursed ending explained Selflessly, Nimue surrenders to King Uther, agreeing to give over herself and the sword if he gives her people ships to travel and establish safety elsewhere. But they deliberately left that up to interpretation in the show. This post was written by Hypable writers Selina Wilken and Pamela Gocobachi. Even if the Dsir had brought back Mordred then he would have had no reason to turn on Arthur and return to Morgana, if magic had returned. What did it mean, this bond of destiny? Merlin and Arthur; Arthur and Guinevere; Guinevere and Merlin; Merlin and Morgana; Morgana and Guinevere; even Morgana and Arthur. So Merlin's whole quest of saving Arthur throughout five series is for nothing, because there has been no golden Age of Camelot and Albion. , good bring them back we needtosee a good ending. Knowing what we know about Arthur and Merlin in legend, and about the prophecy touted in the show, it stands in stark contrast to the actual development of the resolution. He created a new goal to help Arthurs queen and to protect Camelot while allowing magic back into the kingdom. Instead Merlin picked the worst option. But the ending is conceptually sound. Though in all fairness its not entirely his fault. When I wrote this I was trying to make sense of the ending we got, but now looking back yeah Id rather have had the Dragon save Arthur. If he had allowed Uther to die then the following things would have happened. Why believe Gaiuss word over the Dragons? But we suspect if youre anything like us, you might have gone through a few different feelings before settling on the restless one we can only describe as still not over it. It was so ultimately flawed so often that you knew exactly how each character is going to screw up before they do but the evil guys only blow it when defeated by magic, that it stopped being enjoyable. Also the Lacelot Gwenivere adultery was more intense than they showed in the show. However, the loot was parted between 7 people (one for the inside man) and thus, the earnings were sufficient enough. The ending ruins the entire story of the series in my opinion in what was a very epic storylinewith the entirety of it destroyed just by the last episode. Still you can see what I mean about how this episode alone shows us that Arthurs destiny is not a something that is definite. Merlin is standing with knights in the front row on the right-hand side. I was born to serve you, Arthur, and Im proud of that, and I wouldnt change a thing. Its tragic, but theyre dead, the story is over. Usually, when people talk about the chemistry of the Merlin cast, they focus on Colin Morgans Merlin and Bradley James Arthur with good reason, as theirs was the main relationship but Angel Coulby and Katie McGrath deserve just as much of the credit here. Once again however this is a pretty ruthless thing to do. It was this that ultimately led to her siding with Morgause who was later able to twist her mind into becoming totally ruthless and willing to murder even her own brother Arthur. Series 5 would then see the golden age with magic being brought back and Merlin now Arthurs court sorcerer and expert on the occult. The magic reveal We suspect that our initial elated feelings of love for the finale itself had much more to do with the adrenaline caused by knowing that the final episode of Merlin didnt turn out to be the complete and utter train wreck it could have been. I would love someone to remake the ending of Merlin or to follow up with a movie or another series BUT as it is, it already has power that reaches beyond the characters on the screen and into the minds of those who watched. Eight years ago on Christmas Eve, millions of people sat around their televisions and tuned in to the final episode of BBC's " Merlin.". Had he told Arthur that magic has a place in Camelot then Arthur would have agreed with him. There could be no worse ending for Merlin than separating him from Arthur and leaving him behind alone to wait, and so wait he must, and wait he did. If Merlin had not told her about her powers and allowed Gaius to make her think that they were merely hallucinations. The truck switch on the engine, and from the villa emerges a figure that seems (but we are not sure) Mr. Bailey. That way Arthur could have still die, getting across their points about the prophecies and free will, but Arthur would have done something at least. In series 5 I would have also had Morgana redeem herself. The 2022 Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show has secured a superstar lineup comprised of Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Mary J. Blige, and Kendrick Lamar, all of whom will take the stage to perform. He failed ironically because this time in contrast to his mistake with Mordred in the past, he was too ruthless. Also as Uther was still alive, he would continue to persecute Magic users which in turn led to Morgana feeling more paranoid and ultimately led to her siding with Morgause, becoming a powerful enemy to Camelot in the process. "This is the series where the storylines truly reach their apex," co-creators Johnny Capps and Julian Murphy explained of the hit show's ending. He maybe could have even told her a piece of the prophecy that Arthur would one day restore magic to Camelot. But where Merlin lost the plot as far as Guinevere and Morgana (and, if were being honest, Lancelot and Uther) were concerned, the central bond of Merlin and Arthur kept the ship afloat for all five seasons. Looking for new book releases in September 2021? The trauma would still be great but there would be resolution and hope that the great king would rise again. He believes so fervently in that destiny that he has taken the chance to lay down his own life countless times, and had chosen to believe in the good. I think Arthur died because in some legends he dies and is supposed to eventually come back. Sadly Merlin stopped this from happening by helping to save Uther Pendragons life. Instead, they found a way to reintroduce us to characters that some of us grew up hearing stories about when we were children. Merlin could have even suggested to Morgana that she drink the poison so as to throw Morgause off, and assured her that he had the antidote. Probably one of the most absurd tv series ever made. She felt she could not confide in anyone, even Arthur out of fear of being found out. She chooses not to admit to being in contact with Morgause, nor that she agreed to help, never considering that Morgause betrayed her by making her the source. It is equally possible that Arthur would claim magical coercion out of guilt and blame magic. Morgause also most likely would have become an ally of theirs too. in conclusion, I agree with your premise, that Merlin is a tragedy. Okay yes he held some of his fathers prejudices, having been raised by him, but clearly he is a much more open minded person naturally than many other people in Camelot. As if it isnt painful enough to know that Merlin has been waiting for Arthur for 2,000+ years already (and we really hope he found himself a hobby! The brilliance of Merlins macro structure was that it started out by introducing a seemingly completely different version of the legends, only for everything to slowly course-correct back to where it was meant to be, with very few major diversions. So what is it about BBCs Merlin that made us fall head over heels in love with characters like King Arthur and Guinevere and even Merlin himself? Gaius however doesnt see it that way, because Uther is his friend and he has some misplaced loyalty to the king. Arthur also argued that even if Gwens father had been using magic then he did not deserve to be persecuted as long as he had not used it to harm anyone. A lot of fans have blamed Kilgharrah and even Arthur himself for the bleak ending, but to me the blame for Arthurs death and Camelots fall rests solely on the shoulders of a young man. It was obvious that if Merlin was ever given a choice about what to do in an episode the writer always always always had him make the wrong one. I think that is mostly because you still watched the show and seemingly cared about it more than I ever did. I understand that the show got cancelled, so there is no way to further the plot, but I feel like Merlin ultimately failed his destiny and let the King down. Disposing of both of them obviously eliminates the threat they pose to Arthur and Merlin. My thoughts: Well to be honest, this took quite a. In fact no one listens to anyone which while it does reflect our real life world it does not usually reflect the world of a great and good legend. Since everyone is familiar with the legend of Merlin King Arthur and Camelot it was a bit frustrating to watch an alternate story that turned out so differently and so badly. She was happy for Morgana to rule in series 3 and there she would most likely be happy to be a prominent member of Arthurs court which she most certainly would be in his new kingdom.
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